Friday, October 15, 2010

video reviews

The first video, Prairie style, I learned about an artist named Frank Lloyd Wright.  He was the founder of the prairie style architecture.  He believed that you should incorporate nature and its surroundings in your architecture.  This relates to our readings in that it has some of the similar ideas as green architecture.  Wright would use as much earth as possible to make the house and nature one. I thought this video was very descriptive about the artist and the people he influenced.  It helped me see that architecture isn’t just the building itself.
The video, architecture: science of design, taught me something the text pointed out.  It discussed how environmental factors need to be considered when creating buildings like skyscrapers.  The wind can cause buildings to sway.  One of the most interesting things about this video that I liked was the segment on smart houses.  The things that these houses are designed to do are outrageous.  I definitely enjoyed this video because it kept me engaged.  It taught me that again architecture is not just the building itself but everything inside of it.
The third video was my least favorite.  I felt it was a little dry and hard to stay focused, however it was very informative.  This video relates directly to our reading because it focuses on the Roman development of columns and arches.  I thought the Queens house was very basic in the fact everything was so precious and boxed off but at the same time it was very elaborate with the designs on the columns and the arch ways.
I choose to watch imperial Rome, ancient architecture and technology.  I picked this because I like the use of technology with architecture from the previous film.  This video again relates to the reading because it talks about the Roman architecture.  I found it remarkable the elaborate aqueduct system that was created to supply the water to various places.  It was no surprise to me that it ran directly to the palace.  I wasn’t aware that they used to get water easily from a local spring but it dried up.  I also found interesting the development of Port Ostia.  Since I go to school for history and geography this naturally caught my eye.  It made a lot of sense why this port became so important and this video did a great job explaining it.

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